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​Who benefits and how​​​​

​Musicians have a relationship with their instruments that translates into an array of nuances around the vast topics of artistic expression.  The Feldenkrais Method can help all musicians build a lasting, fulfilling, and injury free relationship with and experience of enjoying playing their instruments and communicating through them what they intend. Pat Hackney sings and plays the mandolin, fiddle, and guitar professionally.

mandolin demo


​Dancers and Athletes

The Feldenkrais Method can help dancers and athletes refine "spinning on a dime" and "placing the ball down the line" through heightening their kinesthetic awareness and improving their coordination.  Pat Hackney has a professional background in both athletics and dance.

People with Neurological Conditions or recovering from Surgery or Injury​

Feldenkrais sessions help these individuals alleviate pain, regain lost ability, and strategize ways of moving through their daily lives more effortlessly.

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